Shadows of the Past

Sunday 29 April 2012

Confessions of Zephyr

The reason for the promise that there will be a post very soon, was the brewing of this story  at the back of my mind already,while I was busy writing the previous one. So, lemme not ruin it with a lot of prose in here as its time for some poetry folks ;)

Confessions of Zephyr

Traveling across the whole country side,
I always move on without any rules to abide. 
freshening up faces on my way that have been tanned on fields,
or the faces which were behind the wheels.
Be it tired , worried , or guilty faces,
all lighten up on my touch and caress.

Its been a long day,
and  I have lost count of  people I came across on my way.
but how hard it is to forget that one face,
the one that was so apart amongst the crowd of this rat race.
Moist with sweat, yet so soft to touch upon,
awestruck by this feeling, I put a hold to any thoughts of moving on.
The thin wrinkles around the corner of eyes, added to the maturity that was already reflected,
Was it the locks of hair falling over the forehead, or something else that set her apart from the rest, I had ever confronted?
I blew her hair gently, trying to behold her from so very near,
She pulled them back even more gently behind her ear.

Was something wrong or was it right for the very first time?
Wasn’t I supposed to be happy by pleasing people and ringing their wind chime!
Something struck me while I was still captivated by her grace,
I am stuck here because of her but for whom is she waiting in this stagnant place?
Unveiling the cloak of her awesomeness, soon did I realize, it wasn’t just sweat that had made her face wet,  
They were tears committed to the hopes that were shattered in the quest of things that she deserved to get.
I tried to blow them off too, but they kept rolling down,
If only I could tell her, she deserves to be the happiest and let her enemies frown.

But before that, I needed to ask, could she feel me, the same way as I do?
Of course she could, but how is she supposed to know that winds can have feelings too!
She wiped the pearl drops off with her own hand and decided to move on,
I kept on following her right through midnight, until it was early dawn.
It again struck me this time, that how long will she walk and how long will I follow?
All this is myth and my dreams are just hollow.
Caught in my own perplexities, suddenly I hear her voice piercing through me,
“I don’t have any choice but to give myself to thee”,
I blew hard with joy thinking they were directed to me,
but soon enough to realize, how big a fool I could even be!!

Within the fraction of these uttering, she jumped off from this peak,
And I stand there, broken, distorted and all so weak!
I blew harder and then hardest, trying to carry her with me as long as I could,
though she hit her inevitable destiny and I wondered, would blowing some more have done her any good.
Would blowing some more have done her any good?
These are the confessions that I keep on making to people whom I meet on my way,
wishing someone, someday  will hear my pain, my longing for my love; whom I had lost the very next day!! (of finding her)

Friday 9 March 2012

The kickoff

Phew! The very first post. Fingers are itching to write hundreds of words. But I know, you being one of the first visitors of this blog, have infinite (may be finite) questions in your mind. Who am I? Whats this blog about? and may be the expression, 'Just another blog on the net!' well, to be true, don't have very high hopes. None of my my friends, acquaintance or anybody ever said those cliche lines to me,'Hey, you know what, you write well and I think you should have a blog!'(imagine in filmy style :D).So, why am I here? The reason is simple. I am a story-teller and I need someone to listen to me:). My blog is simply about movies( a big movie buff, that's where I get the blog title from), music(its art of living for me) and Thoughts(sometimes poetic and  most of the time not :p).To start with, let it be poetic this time and here follows one of my attempts to describe people who share the similar lines of thought as me  :

"Dream On"
 As I stand at the edge of this cliff,
 my heart pounds hard to play a riff.
Wings of desires have already spread out,
primed to pierce, through the clouds of doubt.
They say my dream is nothing, but a synonym of myth,
the round thing up there has craters all over and a borrowed glow along with.
I say, unlike poets through the ages, am not just swooned,
 by the eternal ,yet invincible beauty of moon;
but my audacious hopes arise from the pleasures that we have shared,
under starless lonely nights; in spite of the long distance, about which we never cared.
Moreover, my dream is not unique.
It has been admired by zillions and worthier than any antique.                                                                                                                        
Yet, I have dared not to learn from others’ mistake,
Not to die as a silent admirer who spent each night, beside the lake.
I want to judge my own delusions,
and not just  agree if they call it by the name of an illusion.
Here, I fly off to new horizons;
Don’t stop or call me from back, as my ears are now immune to any sirens.
Eager to meet my destiny at the cost of whatever it takes,
I am sure of finding the light, though the night may seem so very Blake!

P.S: And if in anyways you are wondering about the 'Damini' thing, then friends, its nothing but a synonym of my name in Hindi (and an awesome hindi movie too!)